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      What is Vue.js? Advantages and disadvantages of using Vue.js

      4 minutes read

      When searching for information about programming libraries you've probably come across Angular from Google and React from Facebook, but have you heard of Vue.js? As it turns out, it's not such a new framework, but not everyone has heard of it yet. However, it is gaining popularity among developers.

      In this post, you will learn about the advantages of Vue.js and I will explain if it is worth it and when to opt for Vue.js. You will also learn what Vue.js is used for and I will describe an example use of Vue.js.

      What is Vue.js?

      Vue.js is a JavaScript programming library created and released under an OpenSource license in 2013.

      What is Vue.js used for?

      Vue.js is used to build dynamic, adaptable user interfaces. Its high rating on GitHub proves that it is much loved by independent developers.

      Benefits of Vue.js

      The first and overall most important of the advantages of Vue.js is its simplicity. It's easy to learn for novice developers, so with the basics of JavaScript mastered, you can start creating simple applications.

      It is also worth keeping in mind the speed of the tool, which is not only due to its excellent optimization, but also its low weight of about 23 Kb.

      Vue.js is OpenSource, so any developer can develop and customize this framework. In addition, Vue.js, unlike Angular.js and React, is not owned by any corporation and is continuously developed by a community of enthusiasts of this tool.

      Finally, the Vue.js documentation deserves special praise as well, which is very clear and the various functions of the framework are explained in an easy way.

      Disadvantages of using Vue.js

      Working with developers, I've noticed that the drawbacks that come with Vue.js depend largely on the complexity of the project at hand.

      Frequently, when a team needs to integrate several sizable components and wants to use Vue.js, for example, chaos can creep into the project that will take time to clean up, and this will translate into additional budget that the developer will need to spend on the application.

      Another downside of using Vue.js, admittedly not as big as the previous one, is that it has a much smaller market share of frameworks than Angular and React. Thus, it is often the case that developers who already have several years of experience in application development do not want to change the environment in which they work.

      The minuses of using Vue.js don't end there, however. Despite the long tenure of the framework available to the public still some elements of the documentation have not yet been translated from Chinese, while the community developing this library tries to make as many elements as possible in English.

      When to decide on Vue.js

      Making the right decision about which framework to choose for your project is not easy. When to opt for Vue.js? You should consider this choice when you need a application with high performance. As I mentioned in the advantages, Vue.js is very fast and has a light weight.

      Also consider choosing Vue.js when you lack skilled front-end developers or your team doesn't have enough time to devote to a new technology.

      Vue.js vs Angular, which one to choose?

      Vue.js has its drawbacks, so it is also useful to know when not to choose it. Angular.js is a good choice when you are working on large projects. It handles complex problems great because it provides reliable scalability. You might also consider Angular.js when you have more free time and would like to start learning TypeScript. This way, you can kill two birds with one stone.

      Vue.js vs. React?

      React instead of Vue.js and Angular.js is a good choice if you are developing a project that may contain reusable components and you want the frontend of your application to be simple and readable. Remember also that a good knowledge of React.js will allow you to develop applications in short deadlines.

      Use of Vue.js

      Examples in which the use of Vue.js has taken place include companies such as Google, Apple, Trivago and Nintendo. Google was able to use Vue on its career site, while Nintendo put this framework on its website. Trivago, one of the most popular hotel search sites, has incorporated Vue into its magazine. On the other hand, Apple used Vue to create its SwiftUI tutorials. These are the main examples of using Vue.js while let's not forget that this library already has about 140,000 launches in its 8-year career. From our backyard, an example of using Vue.js is the QMS application, which is a queuing system designed to control the flow of customers in frequently visited establishments.

      I believe that after this article, you already know when to choose the right framework depending on the demand of your project. In our software house, Vue.js is one of the tools that we have put a tab on and using its wide applicability, we have been creating exceptional implementations for our clients for several years.

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