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      Partnership between a marketing company and an IT company

      3 minutes read

      Partnerstwo firmy marketingowej z IT


      Even the largest companies in the world run partnership programs. Business partners can be companies from various or even related industries. Thanks to cooperation each of them can gain and significantly develop their business. A great example of partnership is the combination of forces of software house with a marketing company, which allows for complementarity of services, and the target customer gains a full offer for their development.


      What is in favour of joint action?

      Business partnership usually results from two reasons:

      1. The services offered by us and our partner are complementary
      2. We have the same target customer

      Additionally, nowadays, the client expects more and more specialization of companies, comprehensive service and the possibility of a wide perspective. This is a significant saving of time, which translates into results.

      Partnership with software house:

      Partnership cooperation works well in many industries, so there is also a lot of room for use in the marketing and IT industries, which are next to each other. The partnership program allows to extend the offer with complex customer service, which is connected with the increase of competitiveness on the market. What is important, thanks to such cooperation, a marketing company does not have to bear the costs of hiring a new employee or maintaining his place of work - not always can the developer be guaranteed 100% occupancy in a month, plus the costs of equipment and investment in employee training. At the same time, when creating a marketing campaign for a client, the company may offer to develop a mobile application or a web system.

      What really makes Software House a good business partner?

      it-solve software house

      In order to achieve success in product development it is necessary to cooperate with software house, which is focused on business and marketing. By hiring a freelancer to create a project, there is a risk that the project goals will not be delivered or will be wrongly identified. '


      Software house is not only created by programmers, we still have business analysts, project managers and testers on board. All of them are able to guarantee the delivery of high quality product with understanding of its vision.

      In today's hyper dynamic environment, development teams must be composed of people with open and broad minds to not only fulfill the customer's vision, but to advise and help them succeed.

      Having a business partner who understands the client's way of thinking and who does not turn a blind eye to hearing about business needs is a good asset for your comprehensive offer.

      When a client wants to create an IT product in addition to a marketing campaign, it often turns out that the dreams and vision of the product are not enough for it to be positively received by the market and survive. If the product is not adjusted to the business reality and customers' needs it is all for nothing.

      Therefore, regardless of whether the goal is to build a mobile application (e.g. in Flutter) or create a complex IT system, finding a good business partner is the key to successful implementation.




      To conclude, partnership with software house is primarily an opportunity to win new customers and increase the loyalty of existing customers by offering to develop their business. It gives a direct translation to the increase of the company's income, an easier way to access new markets, technologies or know how. Contact us today and let's talk about the possibilities of developing your company's offer with our skills. A partnership simply pays off.

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        Co-Founder, Key Account Manager
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