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      Product Design Workshops

      Product Design workshops, conducted by our specialists, will make your idea turn into a concrete vision of the future application. You will gain the necessary knowledge and materials to go into the development process.

      Workshop stages

      We analyze materials concerning the company, product vision, available competitive solutions. We get acquainted with materials that the customer already has (market research, needs analysis, mockups, etc.).
      Cooperation with the client
      We create a common vision of the product, build mutual understanding of the domain and look for a solution tailored to the needs of the customer and future users of the application. We discover the necessary functionality.
      Inside work
      We work on functionalities, we consult with the team of developers on technological aspects. We look for optimal solutions and prepare preliminary views and application flow.
      Feedback session
      We present the effect of our internal work. We discuss the proposed views and functionalities that will enter MVP and subsequent stages of application development. We gather feedback to take into account necessary improvements.
      Product Design report
      The customer receives complete documentation, including all materials developed during the entire workshop process. He gets to know our time and cost assessment of the project and we are waiting for a decision on further work.
      A closer look at the tools used
      Product Canvas

      Product Canvas is a simple but effective tool that helps you discover a product with a great user experience and the right functionalities. It combines the Agile and UX approaches, complementing user stories with personal stories, scenarios, design sketches and other artifacts. It is designed to work with Scrum or Lean Startup.


      Personas is an essential tool that allows us to capture our knowledge about users, customers of a given product, i.e. in our case of future application. We use a simple yet extremely effective template. Personas help us to collect the right information during the tuition stage, which will be helpful in understanding users' needs and creating UI solutions.

      Product Vision

      Having a clear, understandable product vision helps to motivate the entire team of people who are and will be involved in product development. Product Vision is a tool that provides a common understanding of the direction we want to go in. We are able to predefine what and for whom to build (mobile or web application) in order to meet the expectations of the customer and future customers and application users.
      User Story Mapping
      User Story Mapping is a very useful tool that visually allows you to map user stories that create a path for future customer interaction while using the application. We focus on identifying the most beneficial features and prioritizing them.
      User Flow
      The user workflow map reflects the user's journey from the first start of the application to the successful exploration of the entire application functionality. We use this tool once we know the expectations and needs that guide the future user.
      Scratches - most often hand-made views of the future application. It is a quick method of view visualization, which will be used by the future application user. It is an excellent introduction to verify what information will be provided on selected views of the application without the need to involve a team of designers at this stage.
      Benefits of Product Design

      Verification of initial assumptions

      Each project you work on during the workshop is at a different stage of design, development and knowledge. There are customers and projects that have been very well analysed before the first contact with our company. Most often what we start from is a list of functionalities, general requirements or the very idea of the application. During the workshop we check if the current assumptions really match the needs of users, and then we work on ideas and solutions that will be closest to the expectations of the customer. If before the meeting we obtain materials such as sketches or mock-ups, we analyze them and compare them with the results of the workshop.


      Optimal scope of planned work

      Working together during the workshop is a time where we talk about priorities and goals to be achieved. Using the MoSCoW method, we determine which phrases and requirements are key, which should be and which can be abandoned. This allows us to decide on the scope of MVP (Minimum Viable Product), which is crucial when creating new products by Startups or mature companies. An additional advantage of the workshop is the fact that we are able to discover missing functionalities, potential threats or technological difficulties associated with implementation.

      More accurate estimation of project time and costs

      Clients act as an expert in their domains. On the other hand, our analysts and developers may feel alien to the issues that come to our clients, but they are the ones who know how to design and create a web and mobile application. The best way to exchange experiences is a live meeting, where two interested parties can focus on designing a future application. The outcome of the workshop is extremely helpful in determining the scope and estimating costs. The project is analyzed piece by piece with the developers and thanks to a better understanding of the topic, time and budget estimates are created based on more reliable information.
      Two kinds of workshop

      On site

      Our company headquarters is located in Częstochowa, which is very well connected with most cities in Poland. We invite you to our modern headquarters, where all materials, tools and office space created for creative work await. There is also a second possibility, when our team visits the customer, we are flexible and ready to talk and work.


      If the client is unable to reach our premises or our team is unable to appear at the client's premises, we can offer remote workshops. Such meetings are divided into shorter sessions. In order to ensure the best possible communication and cooperation, we use professional tools for conducting online workshops, which allow us to create conditions and freedom of communication as during product workshops conducted in a traditional (offline) manner.
      Have a project in mind? Need help with an ongoing one?
      We'll be happy to talk!

        Head of Business Development
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