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      Mobile application – how much does it cost nowadays?

      8 minutes read

      Even during the pandemic, the mobile application market shows no signs of stopping. Naturally more and more people are investigating how much it can cost to develop a mobile app. We all use different types of apps for communication, gaming, lifestyle or business. It's no surprise that more and more people want to bear the cost of investment and create something of their own to earn.

      mobile application concepts

      How much does it cost to create an app?

      This question appears on the web thousands of times a day. You can rarely get an understandable answer, it is not caused by misunderstanding the question. The answer is much more complicated.

      Imagine going to a car dealership - we have different car models in different configurations. One can cost 50 000 PLN, another 200 000 PLN - their price depends on the engine, additional equipment, color, model.

      The same applies to the cost of developing a mobile application. It varies depending on the case, the list of functionality, level of complexity, graphic design or platform to be created.

      mobile application urzekajaca

      What components are taken into account when pricing a mobile application?


      1. Application development team

        Depending on project requirements, the team developing the application includes a business analyst, one or more programmers (depending on the number of platfrom), a project manager, a UX designer

      2. Backend development 
        Perhaps you are planning a dynamic application that will be used by millions of users. It will also work in real time. Moreover, the data processed will be synchronized on different platforms and stored in the cloud? In this case, you certainly need a background that can withstand a huge load and run smoothly in all conditions. It means it will also take time to design and build a complex application architecture. You will also need multiple programming languages to create an application backend. As a result you will have to pay for a more diverse team of specialists.

      3. Niche third party integrations 

        There are many integrations available on the market today, which can speed up application development. However, integrations with other companies, especially niche ones, sometimes provide inconsistent and complex documentation. This could result in additional time spent on integration.

      4. Purchasing in an application 

        They try to meet the needs of their users, owners of mobile applications tend to integrate the largest possible payment options. However, you have to be prepared for an additional fee for each payment option introduced: shopping in the application, PayPal, Stripe, Google Pay, Apple Pay etc.

      5. Hardware components

        If you want to create an application that will work on niche devices - EDL or IoT - you have to take into account that you will need to rent or purchase certain equipment for testing.

      6. Supported devices, operating systems

        When creating an application, you must always make sure that it will work properly on certain types of devices. For example, an iOS application should be perfectly compatible with the latest and previous versions of iPhone and support the latest and previous versions of iOS (e.g. iOS 10 and iOS 11). In the case of android applications, the number of devices is much higher and the system should work on systems from a specific version.

        Of course, more devices will mean more time spent on adapting applications to different screen sizes, resolutions and hardware specifications. It will also mean more time spent on testing.

      7. Custom designs and animations

        Custom user interfaces are rather complicated to implement, so the cost of a custom interface will be higher than the cost of an interface built with or without standard components.

      8. Costs after application release
        The average application development budget does not only include the costs of actual programming. The money for product development should also be taken into account. Each                  application requires updates, customer service, server conversation, cloud hosting, and even legal assistance - not to mention marketing and promotion of applications.

      HEy OK mobile application

      What is the hourly rate you pay to build an mobile application worldwide?

      There are millions of great app developers around the world and you may wonder how they differ. If you're looking for app developers to hire, try to choose those who have expertise in the industry your apps are designed for. They probably have both the experience and resources to complete the project in the shortest possible time. To see if a developer company has the right experience, you can search their portfolio and review customer reviews.

      There is no guarantee that choosing an expensive company will give you an application with a ROI. In fact, programmers with low prices can provide excellent results. High price does not always mean high quality. There are many factors that affect prices. Geography is one of them.

      As for the average rates offered by service providers, we can see the following picture:

      - Companies based in the U.S. and Canada range from $50 to $250 per hour.

      - Australian agencies offer their services for $50 to $150 per hour

      - Western European developers charge rates of up to USD 35 to 170 per hour

      - Eastern European companies from 20 to 150 USD per hour

      - India from $10 to $80 per hour

      Okay, we know the hourly cost of the mobile application. What's next?

      How much does a mobile application cost?

      Don't expect a professional software house to give you the price of your product ad hoc, from the price list. The cost of creating a mobile app is based on the number of hours a project can take, and the more difficult the functionality, the longer it will take to create it.

      How do we estimate the cost of creating an mobile application?

      Everything is based on conversation. In the initial contact we will ask you about your goals and business processes, possible roles and users, application scalability plans. In the next step, we process the collected initial requirements and conduct a basic business analysis. We are taking into account the specificity of the product, to offer a solution that will meet your goals and expectations. Next, we estimate the time of execution of particular functionalities. On the basis of the collected information, we present an offer for the execution of the project. This includes individual hours of work, technologies, approach to the application architecture. As well as a set of product features for the initial and, if it was assumed, subsequent versions of the product.

      mobile application concept

      After approval of the initial estimation, we make a detailed estimation. We identify the requirements for each planned scope of work, create application skeletons and prepare the project.

      It-solve provides comprehensive programming services. This means that the price of the application includes every service related to the product development, including project management.

      ► Need a mobile application? Or maybe an idea sprouts in your mind and you want to know its potential price? Do not wait, contact us today!

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