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      Development of the mobile application market     The market of mobile applications is still developing. Having a mobile application by a company is only the first step in building a modern service. It is important to be up to date and follow the trends all the time. It should be remembered that consumers are…
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      Outsourcing software development can be a major headache. Clients are burdened with the difficult decision of who to partner with. When your business vision — not to mention time and resources — is at stake, you have to choose wisely. But not all development firms were made equal. How does one navigate a sea of…
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      In order to offer customers modern IT solutions, it is necessary to constantly develop and learn new technologies. One of them is recently implemented Flutter by Google. What is it, what are its advantages and how to use it? What can be achieved by creating applications using Google Flutter tool? Learn about Flutter and its…
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      Some of the most frequently asked questions we receive from our client in the beginning of our partnership are „What’s Discovery Workshop in MVP creation?”; „Why do I need it?”; „What’s the benefit of PD in app dev?”. In this article, we will answer them all.          First of all, we believe…
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      Today we would like to ask you do you use Google Firebase?  If you did not become friends with this platform yet, definitely you should ready why it is worth to use it?  What is Google Firebase? It is a platform thanks to which you can create mobile and web applications. It ensure programmers access…
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      What can you compare front end development to? Think of what you see when you're wandering around and looking at the urban landscapes? Presumably, among the first things you notice are the shop windows, gleaming and beaming, created to attract you inside. You decide to go for the most alluring, open the door, and enter.…
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