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      Flutter from Google – what is it? Why is it worth using it?

      5 minut read

      In order to offer customers modern IT solutions, it is necessary to constantly develop and learn new technologies. One of them is recently implemented Flutter by Google. What is it, what are its advantages and how to use it? What can be achieved by creating applications using Google Flutter tool? Learn about Flutter and its technology and then offer it to your customers.

      Google Flutter - co to jest? Dlaczego warto go używać?

      Flutter – what is it?

      What is Flutter? It is relatively new and not so well known tool implemented by Google in December 2018. It is a special framework, which allows mobile app development for Android and iOS using single code base, not two. It is one of Flutter advantages over other tools, but not the only one. What’s more, thanks to Google programmers and the Flutter community, the tool develops dynamically and soon might revolutionize m-commerce market. All because it makes work easier and faster, and allows to achieve the same results with fewer programmers and lower costs.

      How to make applications with Flutter?

      The framework implemented by Google is a chance to design mobile applications with one code. How? The Dart language developed by Google has the ability to translate written code into native machine code for ARM and x86 architecture. It becomes the backbone for the application, which then adapts separately to Android and iOS, implementing solutions from these systems. The components of the Flutter ecosystem are therefore:

      • A framework designed to create a project- backbone of the application,
      • special SDK system for creating applications - with its help you can implement not only widgets from Google Flutter tool, but also from separate solutions reserved for Android and iOS mobile applications.

      Thanks to this, creating mobile applications with Google Flutter is much faster, cheaper and simpler than designing native applications. All because to create a native application you need to engage two different teams of programmers and write two different codes. Flutter allows you to limit your work to creating one code that can be adapted to Android and iOS. It also requires knowledge of both systems, but saves time - an entrepreneur interested in implementing IT solutions in his company will be able to do it much faster and get a native application at a lower price.

      Why create applications with Flutter?

      Although Flutter was created in 2017 and implemented in 2018 in a beta version, after 2 years, it already has many supporters and enjoys a good reputation among developers. The community around Flutter appreciates its:

      • creation time - Flutter is a multi-platform solution, therefore a native application can be created with Flutter's help much faster than in the traditional way (using Java and Basin languages for Android and Swift for iOS) - this is an advantage for both software companies and investors in dedicated applications;
      • ease of use - Flutter's framework and Dart programming language is fast to learn, programmers with basics in other languages and technologies will master the new tool at a very fast pace;
      • lower costs - designing a mobile application with Flutter's help is 99.9% based on one code, which significantly reduces investment expenditure;
      • Quick verification of changes made to the code - the Hot Reload function, which the tycoon from Mountain View has equipped Flutter with, allows you to make changes while the application is running - this way you will see the improvements made in less than a second, without losing time to start the application.
      • Low threshold of entry - Flutter together with Dart are not only easy to learn but also free of charge, which makes many programmers and software companies willing to offer their customers to create mobile applications using them;
      • A wide range of widgets - although Flutter does not directly use widgets and solutions available for creating native applications, the Flutter library provides access to many different components that can be used to create menu structures, fonts, buttons and layouts;
      • the ability to create eye-catching animations.

      Flutter is also gaining popularity because of the great trust in Google products, which has been providing modern solutions for users for many years. Investors will surely appreciate lower costs and shorter project implementation time, as well as the appearance of the application. Applications for iOS and Android devices, designed with the help of Flutter, will be very similar to each other, both in terms of appearance, operation and navigation and UX. Users can also not complain about performance - its level is similar to that of classic native applications. The applications start up quickly and run very smoothly.

      Google Flutter - co to jest? Dlaczego warto go używać? 2

      Is Flutter for everyone?

      Flutter has many advantages and thanks to that it has entered the market of tools useful for creating mobile applications with a hit. But Google can make it even better. When creating mobile applications using Dart language, it is worth keeping in mind:

      • quality of plugins, which are created not only by Google specialists, but also by programmers using Flutter - some of them are of poor quality and may contain errors;
      • Limited performance associated with embedding native views in Flutter.

      As Flutter is a new technology, it requires a little time to learn it, but developers who have already dealt with programming languages other than Dart should have no problem learning how it works. It is worth taking an interest in it, as there are not many specialists in this field at the moment, and perhaps Flutter will become the future of the mobile app development market. Already Flutter was used by the owner of AliExpress, Alibaba, to create an application used by over 50 million users.

      IT-Solve - we create mobile applications with Flutter

      Google Flutter is an multiplatform tool, which using one set of libraries, framework and rendering mechanism creates an application that will work efficiently on two systems - Android and iOS. Flutter allows you to create native code for a given platform and then, using channels, call it on the Dart side. This technology saves time and money, so we offer our clients to design and create applications using it. In this way the investor receives an IT solution for two ecosystems. It is also easier to maintain and develop applications that generate less costs. We design and develop mobile applications for clients from various industries - financial, logistics, manufacturing and startup companies. If you see the potential that Flutter offers, want to talk about your needs, please contact us.

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