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      Programmer in a modern software house


      Drone photo


      M Having a job that you enjoy and that provides a decent livelihood is a dream come true for many people. We will introduce you to a job that seems very attractive to many people. This is the job of a programmer. The IT-Solve team told us in a short conversation about what a programmer's job looks like. From the article you will learn how much a programmer earns, how his daily tasks look like and whether it is difficult to become a programmer. Who knows, maybe this text will inspire you to change your job?

      Company history, business description, etc. 😊

      It all started in 2012, when two students decided to create an employee-friendly company in Czestochowa, and at the same time one that will work on projects that allow modifying other companies' operations, simplifying many business processes. We are in the business of streamlining business processes - we make it possible to turn 100 sheets of paper per day into one tab in an application that everyone can access, thus reducing the workload with the help of software. We create innovative bespoke software that often brings a breath of fresh air to the market such as the eco-driving system. Our portfolio includes many satisfied customers like: Ecologic, Press Glass, Synnetra, Unizet, Sweco or Gamuza.

      We started with two people, now there are 15 of us, and in September we moved to a new office location that can accommodate 35 people.

      How does a programmer's job look like?

      From the outside it looks like sitting in front of a computer with breaks for coffee and toilet. In practice it is mainly thinking - analyzing problems, looking for solutions and turning them into lines of code. Programmer's work is not boring, although it sometimes looks like it - it is the programmer who can change the way of working or simplify many aspects.

      What is important, no programmer stands still-it's a constant development, learning new technologies.

      Software house development team


      What qualities should a software developer possess?

      Must be able to think logically, must not be too nervous but rather patient. What is very important, you have to like programming - it is not for people who are not interested in it, and only want to earn well. Only a person who likes it will be able to develop their knowledge and skills.

      A good programmer should also be characterized by attention to detail, curiosity and discipline, and very important: the ability to work in a team.

      How much does a programmer earn?

      Earnings depend on your skill level, programming language, and location. The national average salary for a PS .NET programmer is at the level of 7 710 PLN gross. Of course, we can find programmers of niche technologies, who earn very large amounts. Salary of an average programmer will certainly be different from an employee of production or sales - that's why it's worth to educate yourself in this direction, but remember that programmer develops all the time. 

      How do you assess the prospects of the industry? Will programmers dictate terms all the time or will the industry saturate in a while?

      Nowadays programmers are the ones who set the conditions - adequate salary, development opportunities and flexible working hours. For programmers and testers the market is wide open. The number of job offers for the IT industry is constantly growing - there is no indication that this situation will change. On the contrary, in the era of progressive computerization, they will be the most sought-after employees.

      Testers are the most sought-after employees in the IT industry.

      Would you hire someone without skills and experience willing to learn?

      If someone has determination and passion they can always try programming by cooperating with us - we have internship and apprenticeship offers which are dedicated just for such people.


      How long does it take an amateur to learn programming?

      It depends on what level one wants to reach. There are bootcamps that advertise that you will become a programmer in 6 weeks - but after such a training it is hard to call someone a programmer. When you can determine that someone knows enough to create something on their own - it's hard to determine, because it's an individual issue for everyone. Can you say that programming can be learned so much that you know everything? Definitely not, the work of a programmer is a continuous development and learning.

      Do you run any internship programs? Do you try to "nurture" your employees or do you rely on the finished product.

      Yes, we have an internship program for computer science students, we also have an internship program. Most of our employees are with us because of the internship they had with us, but we are also happy to hire experienced programmers.

      We focus on diversity and mentoring.

      Are you currently looking for employees? If so, who are you looking for?

      We are continuously recruiting .Net developers as well as Android and iOS app developers. As we mentioned earlier we have moved to a new, much larger office so we will have plenty of space for new talent. You can keep an eye on our website.

      How does a programmer work - summary

      We hope that you enjoyed the text about programmer's job. Is it an interesting job? Probably opinions will be divided. Certainly, nowadays it is a job that offers great opportunities for development, as well as decent financial gratification. Besides, everything indicates that programmers will still be in demand on the market in the coming years.

      (This article is from FinancialStrength. Thank you for the lovely interview!)

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