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      Question 1. What is refactoring ? Code refactoring is the process of restructuring existing computer code - a change in factoring - without changing its external behavior. Refactoring improves non-functional software attributes . Advantages include better code readability and reduced complexity , they can improve source code maintenance and create a more pronounced internal architecture or object model to improve extensibility.                                     This time we will try to skip the "boring" technical issues and focus on what companies really need. In a more mundane language, refactoring is the process…
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      Our world is a kind of system. We need to understand this to be able to manage it. Imagine that it is similar with building a web applications architecture - you should know the context necessary to create the system.   The topic we are discussing today occupies an honorable place in software development - this…
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        We have heard for years that amazing innovations in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) will change almost every aspect of our lives. Well ... the truth is that artificial intelligence technology has been around for years and in areas we don't even realize. Siri and Cortana are just two examples we encounter every day.   So what…
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      Gamification - one of the most popular word of recent years.  It appears basically everywhere, also in the IT industry.  How to use its strength when creating application? Gamification allows the user to stay in the application for longer, effectively attracts his attention, engaging him in reaching subsequent levels, collecting badges, competing with others or…
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      Today, every team wants to switch to agile methodology of Agile programming, i.e. put the user in the center of the process planning during product development. We're finally building a product for end users, right? User stories are one of the basic tools that help teams remember about the user when defining a product and its functionality. There…
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        Why do you need a prototype application software? Do you happen to have a lots of ideas and requirements from client when it comes to the project?  If so, this entry is just for you!  We will tell you a bit about the prototype of the application software.  A prototype is a word that…
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