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        M Having a job that you enjoy and that provides a decent livelihood is a dream come true for many people. We will introduce you to a job that seems very attractive to many people. This is the job of a programmer. The IT-Solve team told us in a short conversation about what a…
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      Onboarding is a process that exists in every organization yet it still stirs up a lot of emotion. What is the reason for this? Bad onboarding can do a lot of damage to a company, while a well-organized process that is tailored to the needs of employees provides tangible benefits that translate into improved employer…
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      "Good day, I would like to create a system - a mobile application or a web application that will be a simple offer configurator. How much can it cost and what time can you produce such a system for me?" You know you need two things: a system and a budget. You find a software…
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      How do you create your project? Is it generating a lot of expenses for you or constantly encountering bugs and problems? If you are struggling with such a project, it might be the right time to adopt a .NET framework for it! What is the .NET framework? .Net (English: dotNet) was developed by Microsoft as…
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      When developing software, every day at work poses a problem: How do we reconcile our vision of the product's user experience with how users actually interact with it? We'd love to get creative and explore our wildest ideas about what the modern user experience should be, but we always have to weigh it against what…
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      Did you know that every bug in a software product can be really expensive? Did you know that it costs about 30 times more to fix defects after the product is launched than it does to fix them during the design and architecture phase?" If your answers were no, you've come to the right place.…
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